plant therapy
its garden season here in the pacific northwest. well actually it’s get your garden ready to plant because the nights are still a bit cold for some of our more sensitive plant friends.
i realized this year that i have a very hard time committing to work in the month of April and May as I busy myself with weeding, mulching, destroying and creating new garden areas. This happens again in the month of October as I move and divide plants. Instead of feeling bad about it this year I have decided to try and embrace it fully and allow my schedule to be a extra full on some days and extra empty on others.
I know my clients are feeling the call of outdoors too. You can’t help but be lured out into the May sunshine here. Come July and August retreating back indoors is desired as my mossy Pacific NorthWest body can only tolerate so much sun.
I hope you are planting something magical in your world, be it literal plants or ideas, or music or art or ???