what happens in an email tarot reading?
yay! questions! let's answer them!
so as the lovely tarot in your inbox page describes this is a reading for those who don't have time to get a in-person or phone appointment and still need some help getting clear about an issue.
it's a technology assisted response to the human need for clarity and answers. thank you technology for making it possible for (inserting my fake people, based on real people here) Sally-May in the middle of the united states town population 25, and Chuck from Australia to be able to find me and get a tarot reading.
Steps to get an email tarot reading [plus what happens behind the scenes]:
first you say YES and you click the enter the parlor blue button.
then you choose whether you want a 3 cards draw or one of the bigger readings
then you fill out the appropriate contact form and if you have a specific thing you need to know about say: work, love life, new job, should i buy this house, etc you put that in the comment box.
hit submit
you will be redirected to a place that will make you pay with either paypal or google, you get to decide [i always prefer google check out but that's just because the money ends up straight in my bank account instead of paypal land.]
this page will also inform that unless i am away or swamped you will have a reading in your inbox within 48 hours. it also says i can't spell and although i use spell check sometimes things get missed. also i tend to alternate widely between capitalizing and being lazy and not. seriously it is random. [if i need more than 48 hours i will send you an email telling you when to expect your reading]
so in the background i get an email saying yay you want a reading followed closely by a yay you've paid.
and i look at my schedule and i see where i have space to focus just on you and your questions and i block out an hour.
and then i go and eat some lunch, drink some tea, sleep, do some reflexology or run some errands until it's time to play with the cards.
and then i look at your question and i close my eyes and breathe
and then i ask which cards to use (i use 3 different decks)
and then i start shuffling it thinking about you, trying to connect with your guides and mine.
then i pull cards.
and i check in to make sure these are for you and not something i need to know and i begin.
looking at each card i just start typing, asking what part of the story or lesson wants to be told and i just close off my brain and let my guides and the cards write to you.
if you end up with a lot of homework, most likely the faeries have interjected their thoughts as they are big fans of do this, do that. but sometimes it's just that part of the tarot story coming through.
after i have typed up all the cards i ask if there is anything else that needs to be told and sometimes that means pulling another card, or focusing on the relationship between the cards or adding an explanation.
then i spell check and i sort of proof read to make sure it mostly makes sense. [i find that if i read it too closely my analytical brain sneaks in and wants to change stuff and the monsters come in to say i'm dumb, so i just skim and send]
and then i add if this doesn't make sense email me with what is confusing and we will fix it.
and then i push send.
and then you open your email and there is an email with the subject tarot reading! with pictures of the cards attached.
and then you get enlightened and tell all your friends about me.
want a reading of your own? this is the last week before prices go up so send in your request now :D click here to play! or go the the tarot in your inbox or tarot parlor page in the navigation above.
whoa! it's sort of magical that there are 22 steps to this process, like there are 22 cards in the major arcana... spooky!