reflexology and cancer care
there are a lot of studies going on about reflexology and how it helps those undergoing cancer treatments.
I have a few friends who have just been diagnosed and i felt the need to share a few thoughts on how reflexology can be helpful when dealing with cancer.
these are my thoughts and experiences only as reported by other clients during and post treatments for various forms of cancer, please do not take these thoughts as evidence.
During Chemo:
reflexology can boost immunity and can help the body utilize the chemo drugs
minimize side effects like pain, nausea and neuropathy
Post Surgery:
reflexology can help reduce need for pain medicine and can help the body recalibrate to a new state of being
Post Cancer and surgery clients are best served by reflexology because :
Assists in Detox. Removal of harsh chemo drugs from system, these drugs settle in tissues and digestive system and can eventually lead to complications. Reflexology can also decrease the amount of pain medications needed as it helps interrupt pain signals and provides a sense of roundedness and calm.
Nurturing pain free touch. This gets clients back in their body after traumatic life experiences and months of feeling like crap. Assists in clients well-being and relief of nausea, pain, stress and surgical trauma. Re-integration to their body.
Assists in circulation and lymph drainage. Reflexology allows the body to relax which opens the circulatory system allowing fluids to flow, pick up and distribute waste and nutrition to cells and facilitates increase health through potential stimulation of white blood cell creation.
Body and Self love. reflexology allows time for deep healing relaxation, this stimulates the expression of deep emotions that have been pushed aside. Allowing fear, grief and pain to surface and leave the body opens the client to deep self love, calm and a sense of connection to all--allowing profound healing and shortened recovery time.
For Partners and Family Members
reflexology can help provide stress reduction and grounding. Cancer effects everyone around and as a caretaker it is highly important to look to your own well-being during this very stressful time.
may we find a way to alter the harsh experiences cancer puts us through. may we find a kinder, gentler healing process. may we feel more alive and grounded.