tiny stories: The Bridge
one step at a time. this common wisdom is less useful on uncommon days.
the path is slick with a months worth of rain which will soon turn to snow and make this path treacherous. contemplating foot placement, one foot in front on the other, avoiding leaves slick like banana peels, move forward.
somewhere ahead is a castle and a quest but right now there is a bridge.
strong and sturdy over a river tributary, designed to bring ease along the well traveled path.
it has never occurred to you to be thankful to a bridge but on this exceptionally rainy day you find extreme comfort in the ability to keep your feet drier as you transverse the swollen creek.
realization comes that this bridge, is leading you home. not home the place but home the internal. to transverse the bridge is to move into yourself that much more.
a lot can happen in the expanse of a bridge. many things can change. epiphanies. attacks. pondering and imaginings. meal planning. billy goats asking for stories. a decision can be finalized.
the water rushes ice cold. steady feet and a sturdy bridge keep you safe from the shock of a plunge in the creek.
the path moves forward beyond the bridge. the quest, the castle, one step closer.
movement is always possible.